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Originally written over a decade ago, The Talking Snowman was conceived by Margaret Sutton and later jointly written with Linda Joy Singleton. This new Judy Bofton mystery takes place between The Invisible Chimes #3 and Seven Strange Clues #4, making it #3 1/2, bringing to life Judy's first Christmas in Farringdon. To order The Talking Snowman, email Linda
at: ljscheer@inreach.com
Biographies of Margaret Sutton and illustrator Pelagie Doane. A chronology of Judy's life, including the births, deaths, and significant adventures of all major characters. Details on the real life events and places that influenced each book. Decriptions and discussion of the artwork, editions and foreign editions of the series. A plan of Judy's garden, recipes from the series and much more! To order a copy, or check for availablility, contact Synsine Press at http://synsine.com.
Read about series past and present in our official monthly 30 page newsletter, The Whispered Watchword which includes a wide variety of articles on all aspects of girls series collecting, past and present, written by fellow collectors. Sales lists and want lists are published at a small charge. Yearly membership includes 10 newsletter issues plus the opportunity to attend our annual convention and many regional get-togethers. Kate Emburg Please make checks payable to Kate Emburg.
All 38 Judy Bolton Titles Available from Applewood books!
Look for them at your favorite bookstore! You can also purchase them on Amazon.com.
For more information, or to order the Aeonian Press reprints, you can email Jim Towey at: ToweyJ@cox.net, or contact him at: 249 Hartland Road West Granby, CT 06090 (860) 653-7447 |